Inviting teammates

Users that have access to your WotNot account.

Every user having access to a WotNot account is called a teammate.

You can have unlimited teammates in your WotNot account.

Each teammate can have the following roles:

  • OWNER - The user who created the account.

  • ADMIN - The user has access to all account features.

  • AGENT - The user only has access to live chat.

Add teammates

  • Login to your WotNot account

  • Goto Settings -> Teammates

  • Click on 'Add teammates'

  • Enter their email address

  • Choose a role

The user will receive an email with a link to create their account.

Modifying roles

Only the admin/owner can modify the role of a teammate.

  • Login to your WotNot account

  • Goto Settings -> Teammates

  • Click 'Edit' on the teammate you want to edit the role

  • Choose the new role

Transferring ownership

If you are the owner of the account and want to transfer the ownership to another teammate, follow these steps:

  • Login to your WotNot account

  • Goto Settings -> Teammates

  • Click 'Edit' on the teammate you want to transfer the ownership to

Removing teammate

To remove a teammate from your WotNot account, follow these steps:

  • Login to your WotNot account

  • Goto Settings -> Teammates

  • Click 'Remove' on the teammate you want to remove

Viewing logs

Available on the ENTERPRISE plan only.

For better user management and tracking of user activity, you can view each teammate's log.

In the audit log section, you can view the following actions of the teammate:

  • Login

  • Logout

  • Marked available

  • Marked offline

  • Chat limit hit

Last updated