Send message

Sends a message and proceeds to the next part of the flow.

The rich text editor supports all languages, so you can now type your input in any language you want, such as French, Spanish, etc.

As the name suggests, the 'Send message' sends your defined message and moves forward to the next step in the chatbot flow.

You can choose to add a text message or a file.

You can bundle multiple messages/files inside a single 'Send message' action block.

Text formatting

You can format your text using the formatting bar in the rich text editor.

  • Bold

  • Italics

  • Underline

  • Ordered bullet lists

  • Unordered bullet lists

  • Hyperlink

  • Emojis

Max characters allowed in a single message block is 1000.

File types

You can upload the following file types:

  • png/jpg/gif

  • mp4

  • mp3

  • pdf

  • csv/xlsx

Enabling this feature tracks all link clicks occurring on the chatbot flow. Once enabled, the link will first open the tracking domain and then redirect to the actual URL defined.

Learn more

Send message as info title

Enabling this will compress the message description and show the title as defined. It appears as a tooltip that can be expanded to see the information.

Last updated