
Renders a list of items grouped by categories on a drawer.

Available on WhatsApp for the WA API providers: 360Dialog, Meta, and GupShup.

This action block is used for a rich approach of allowing users to choose from a list of options.

Most commonly, it is used as an alternative to the 'Option' action block, as it it not user-friendly and prone to users from the users.

List action block is made up of the following:

  1. Header

  2. Body

  3. Footer

  4. Button name

  5. Items & categories

  6. Error message

  7. Variable

Shows the text in a bold format -- making it look like a title. It is an optional field.


The text will be the question associated with showing the list of options.

For example, "Select the service you are interested in".

The text is displayed in a small grey color format. Mostly used to display a disclaimer to the user when selecting the option from the list.

Button name

Along with the above, a button will be displayed, on click of which we will show the list of options in a drawer format.

You can write the button's name here, such as 'Choose', 'Select', etc.

Items & Categories

All the items that are to be displayed in the list are defined here. Each item contains the following information,

  • Item name - Name of the item

  • Item description - A short description of the item

  • Category - List of all categories created. It is optional.

On the bot builder canvas, for each list item, you will see a new branch created. You can use this to create personalized flows.

A maximum of 10 items and categories can be created.


Users can store the value of the selected list item in a variable for future reference.

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