
Create tickets and fetch ticket status.

Available on the STARTER plan and above.

Freshdesk is a popular ticketing system that allows your visitors to create and manage tickets.

Using this integration, you will be able to;

  • Create tickets

  • Fecth ticket status

Connect your account

There are two ways through which you can connect your Freshdesk account with WotNot;

  • Through App Market:

    • Go to 'App Market -> Freshdesk -> Accounts -> Add Account'

  • Using the 'Freshdesk' action block:

    • Add the action block in the flow and click on 'Add Account'

To connect your account, you will require the following details:

Choose an action

Choose the action that you want to perform with the Freshdesk integration.

Creating New Tickets:

To create a ticket on Freshdesk, you must map the Freshdesk fields using your WotNot variables.

To create a ticket, the following fields are mandatory,

  • Subject

  • Email

The system auto-populates fields from 'Freshdesk fields'. If you do not see your field, refresh the page and try again.

View Ticket Status:

To fetch the existing ticket status using Freshdesk integration, you first need to collect the ticket number from the visitor using a 'Collect Input' action block and save it in a variable.

On the right panel, choose the variable which contains the ticket number.

While fetching the status of the ticket number entered, WotNot will receive the following fields which you can choose to save in WotNot variables to be rendered on the chatbot as a message.

// Some code
cc_emails/fwd_emails/reply_cc_emails/ticket_cc_emails: [""]
priority: "Urgent"
requester_id: 84005322544, // visitor's unique Freshdesk ID
responder_id: null, // Freshdesk agent's ID
source: "Portal"
status: "Open"
subject: "Need support to fix this..."
type: "Question"
description_text: "Some details on the issue .."
created_at: "2022-02-10T07:12:39Z"
updated_at: "2022-02-10T07:12:39Z"

You can map the fields that you wish to save and use them in a 'Send Message' block to show the user the ticket's status like:

Ticket status of #ID# is #STATUS#

Please wait to hear back from us.

Define next steps

Every Freshdesk action block will have two outcomes - Success or Failure.

You can define the success and failure actions as per your need.

Last updated