Mobile app

Publishing your bot in your Android/iOS mobile app.

WotNot allows you to embed your chatbot inside your Android/iOS application as a web view.

Native SDKs are being worked on and are not available at the moment.

To request for SDK, email us at

Step 1: Create a page in your mobileΒ app

To display the chatbot in a web view inside your application, you need to create a new page and embed the chatbot code snippet.

You can choose to embed the chat bubble OR the iframe to render it on the whole page.

You can find the code snippet by clicking the 3 dots icon on the bot card -> Embed

Step 2: Create a webview screen to launch the bot

On your mobile app, add a help icon or option on your menu that allows users to open this page.

Doing this will open the chatbot-hosted page that you created in Step 1.

// Example code to open chatbot-hosted URL as webview 

WebView myWebView = (WebView) findViewById(;
WebSettings webSettings = myWebView.getSettings();


  • Make sure the Javascript is enabled inside the webview.

  • To maintain the conversation history, enable a persistent cookie in the webview.

Last updated