Official Business Account (Green tick verification)

Steps to get a verified green tick badge for your WhatsApp number.

By default, all WhatsApp API are called a Business account.

The uprgrade to an official Business account comes with a Green tick, which ensures customers that they are engaging with a legitimate business verified by WhatsApp.

Additionally, the name of the business will be displayed even if the customer hasn’t saved the number.

Eligibility criteria:

Not any business can get a green tick. Meta verifies if your company is popular with the following details and grants a green tick.

  • Firstly, you need to have WhatsApp API

  • You need to have a verified Facebook Business Manager account

  • You need to enable 2-Step verification

  • It's recommended that you are in Tier 2 or above messaging level.

  • Your business should have at least 3 organic PR posts on the internet.

Granting a green tick is entirely the decision of Meta. WotNot cannot influence it.

Follow the steps to get a green tick on WhatsApp:

Step 1: Open the WhatsApp manager

Goto your Facebook Business Manager -> WhatsApp accounts -> WhatsApp manager

Step 2: Submitting the 'Official business account' request

  1. On the WhatsApp manager, goto Account tools -> Phone numbers

  2. Under the 'Official business account' -> Click 'Submit request'

  1. Submit the required details

    1. Business website

    2. Country of operation

    3. Primary language

    4. Parent company

    5. 3 supporting links (Articles, blog posts or independent reviews that show your business is well-known and recognised by consumers.)

    6. Additional supporting information (Add some text explaining why is it important for your company to get a official business account)

After submitting, it will take 7 - 10 days to make a decision. You will be notified by email.

If your request is rejected, you can submit a new request after 30 days.

Last updated