
Listens to events that occur on this event and proceeds to the next step in the flow.

Available on the PREMIUM plan and above

Webhooks are used to listen to events occurring on a third-party app.

It is most commonly used for use cases like payment collection, where the chatbot waits for the third-party payment processor to call the webhook once payment is received.


Set this webhook endpoint on the application that will publish the event.

When invoking this endpoint, it is mandatory to return the conversation_key as part of the response payload; if it is not present, our systems will not consider it a successful response.

You can use the variable Conversation URL to extract the conversation_key value from it.

Use a javascript action block before using the webhook block with this code.

const conversation_url = "Conversation URL";

// Function to extract the conversation key from the URL
function getLastPartOfUrl(url) {
    // Split the URL by slashes
    const parts = url.split('/');

    // Return the last part
    return parts[parts.length - 1];

// Retrieve the conversation key from the URL
const conversation_key = getLastPartOfUrl(conversation_url);

// Sets the conversation key into a new variable
wn.setConversationVariable("conversation_key", conversation_key);

// This variable will be used to push the conversation_key to the third-party app.


The chat flow will wait for this webhook call for the specified duration.

If the webhook is not invoked in the given timeframe, the chat flow will proceed in the FAILURE flow.

Set the duration between 1 and 300 seconds.


When a webhook response is received, you can map the fields that are to be saved into variables.

You can map a maximum of 50 variables.

Last updated