Refresh frequency

Retrain allows you to refresh knowledge base at a given time interval.

Retrain allows you to train your knowledge base with the latest content on it.

For "URL" data sources, you can define a refresh frequency at which you want to retrain it. Frequency offered are:

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly

Domain-level refresh

Enabling this will apply the refresh frequency to all its child pages.

  • Open the knowledge base

  • Click "Domain(s)" button

  • Select the frequency from the dropdown

Now, your domain will always be scanned again for new URL(s), and the content of all URL(s) will be scrapped again.

URL-level refresh

Enabling this will apply the refresh frequency to only the selected URL.

  • Open the Knowledge base

  • Click on the "URL" data source you want to schedule a retrain

  • Select the frequency from the dropdown

You can also multi-select the URL data sources you want to schedule a refresh frequency in bulk.

Last updated