Outbound analytics

When you run an outbound campaign using outbound bots, you can see the results of that campaign on the bot card itself.

For each bot card, you can see the metrics of:

  • TOTAL - Total no. of contacts added to this campaign.

  • DELIVERED - Contacts who successfully received the message.

  • SENT - Contacts to whom the message is successfully sent.

  • FAILED - Contacts that did not receive the message.

  • SEEN - Contacts that saw the message. (Only for WhatsApp)

  • REPLIED - Contacts that replied back to the message.

Detailed data

To open the dashboard,

  • Click on the 3 dots icon -> View result

  • OR Click on the number on the bot card

From the outbound analytics dashboard you can:

  • Click on the hyperlinked number on any column to see the actual contacts list

  • Download the report into a CSV file.

  • See the data for a given date range.

Last updated